Chill Build Volume 33: Jonsbo C6

This is my first build in a Jonsbo C6. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but there really isn’t a lot of wasted space in this case. The profile is about the same size as the motherboard itself. I’ll have to do some more testing to see how well it does in real use, but I did play a game of DOTA 2 on it and it held up very well. I’ll put together some final thoughts for next week (or earlier) while I look for the next case to explore. If you have suggestions (and it’s not to expensive, or you want to send me a case for free) let me know in the comments. As usual, please consider supporting your local food back, shelters, and churches that help the less fortunate in your area before buying any expensive computer parts. Amazon link - *Make sure you shop around on the parts. Amazon may not always have the best price* And, a few side notes on the parts list here. This is what I used because it’s what was available to me easily. It’s
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