WATERCOLOR TECHNIQUES FOR BEGINNERS - Best Watercolor Tips to Start your Journey

Have you just started out in watercolor and don’t know where to start? Confused by all the terms and choice of materials? Have you seen some of my other watercolor tutorials and wanter a deeper dive into some of the techniques I use? In this video I cover 1) Choice of materials like Paper, Paints and Brishes 2) Basic Techniques like color mixing and ratio of water to paint 3) Tips on holding a brush and making brush strokes 4) And more.... If you join up at my Patreon site, in return for a small donation or pledge, I will give you a personal critique based on the regular projects I set with extra tips just for you! For more information, please go to More information on watercolour demos, painting workshops, lessons and recent paintings by Tim Wilmot can be found at: The paper I use and recommend is Saunders Waterford.
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