Joe Rogan | Henry Ford’s Hemp Car | We’ve fk this up so bad | 1ofDMost Amazing Plant Ever Discovered
So that was one of the first things that we did.
Is make a really good hemp protein powder.
And when we were looking into it,
we were like,
I can’t even believe that you can’t grow this.
Like, doesn’t do anything to your consciousness.
It doesn’t affect you at all.
Because it’s related to pot, it’s illegal.
Did you ever see the first Henry Ford Model T.
Where he made the fenders out of hemp.
And he’s hitting it with a hammer.
I did not know that.
Dude you have to watch this.
We’ll play this for you.
It’s the craziest shit ever.
Henry Ford’s very first car that he made, he made the fenders out of hemp.
And you’re watching him hit this fuckin fender with a hammer.
And the hammer is just bouncing off the fender.
Check this out.
Amongst the thousands of products made
from hemp, one of the most extraordinary
is Henry Ford’s plastic car. Built in
it contained cellulose fibers derived
from hemp, sisal, and wheat straw. The
plastic was lighter than steel, yet could
withstand ten times the impact without
Look you barely smudged the thing.
I mean they’re so superior to metal.
And it’s easy.
It’s a renewable resource, like.
We’ve fucked this up so bad. It’s so obvious.
It’s one of the biggest example..
People say, why are you drone on about pot all the time.
It’s because these things like that.
Like one of the biggest examples, of just how egregious making it illegal is.
It is one of the most amazing plants we’ve ever discovered.
You can make your house out of it.
You can fucking eat it.
You can get high with it.
You can make your clothes with it.
It has all the amino acids.
You could use for heating oil.
You could treat cancer patients.
You can treat cancer patients with it!
It’s here for.. I mean somebody put it here.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
It helps reduce tumor size.
It’s crazy.
It helps a host of different diseases.
I know a lot of people that have like serious inflammation problems.
They smoke some weed and they’re alright.
Just lightens everything up.
And it’s illegal.
And you can grow it.
You can grow your own.
You can grow a shit ton of it in your backyard.
Anybody could.
Do you have a sprinkler?
You got some good dirt.
Alright, you got some weed.
That weeds just good to go.
That’s a fuckin hardy ass plant.
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