Part 1 KitchenAid Dishwasher not Cleaning Well Model KUDS01LWH2

The is a very well-built Stainless Steel Dishwasher and is worth cleaning and performing Preventative Maintenance. Get your parts at one of the best, price and time to delivery, online appliance suppliers I have been using for years, . One more nugget of info that you will want to check is that the dishwasher water inlet solenoid-valve is not clogged. They can get internally get clogged with hard water deposits preventing you from having your dishwasher from filling high enough to perform ample water circulation. If you have done everything else, buy a new one and compare the fill times. The filling is done with a timer, and not by a float so if it is clogged, it will not fill in time and your dishes will not come out clean.
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