Becoming the Pirate King! Cute & funny dachshund dog video!
Very often you ask me how I come up with such cool stories for my videos! I think that the answer will seem simple and banal to you - I have a great imagination!!! I can create entire worlds with the power of thought and the magic of cinema! It’s so easy for me to become a pirate king or a rock star! Huh! My imagination nave no limits!
But, this superpower has a downside! Sometimes I play and get so carried away that I cannot diffr reality from fiction! Oh... And it seems to me that Puppy Jay is exactly the same!
I hope you enjoy my new cute & funny courageous dachshund dog video!
Thank you to my Top Patrons: Matej Duda, Mary Stevens, Laurie Freese and all my other Patrons too!
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