Concerto Illustrato. Keyboard music from the 14th and 15th centuries.
Summary of the ‘Concerto illustrato’ held on 28/11/2021 in Udine at the Oratorio della Purità as part of the XIII Festival Organistico Internazionale Friulano “G. B. Candotti“ 2021-2022
Note d’organo in città - Natale 2021 - I edizione
(con sottotitoli in inglese)
Music for stringed keyboard instruments from the 14th and 15th centuries.
Vania Dal Maso clavichord, clavicytherium and hammered clavisimbalum
Paolo Zerbinatti organologist
The programme of this ‘Concerto Illustrato’ starts from the oldest known musical source for a keyboard instrument, the fourteenth-century Robertsbridge Codex, and illustrates in parallel the evolution of the various medieval stringed keyboard instruments and the evolution of contemporary keyboard literature.
The organological part, with the participation of the organologist Paolo Zerbinatti, deals with the examination of treatises and iconographic documents, the musicological part includes an excursus on the musical sources that have come down to us and their placement in the musical panorama of the late Middle Ages.
00:00 Illustrazione degli strumenti
01:43 Lochamer Liederbuch, Berlin (1452): En avois
02:40 Lochamer Liederbuch, Berlin (1452): Preambulum super g
03:02 Wroclaw (sec. XV): Incipit bo(nus Tenor) Leonhardi
04:26 Illustrazione degli strumenti
05:30 Codex Faenza, Faenza (ca. 1400-1420): O ciecho mondo (Jacopo da Bologna)
08:12 Illustrazione degli strumenti
09:08 Lochamer Liederbuch, Berlin (1452): Ellend du hast
10:46 Lochamer Liederbuch, Berlin (1452): Mit ganczem Willen wünsch ich dir
Registrazione live effettuata il 28 novembre 2021 presso l’Oratorio della Purità in Udine (UD) a cura di HvF Audio Studio di Casarsa (PN)
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