Stage Stars Off-Stage! (1935)

Titles read: “STAGE STARS OFF-STAGE!“ Kent. Various shots of singer / actress Fay Compton in the garden of her home. Commentator says Fay is entertaining a group of stars before they all take part in a charity show for the PDSA (People’s Dispensary For Sick Animals). She plays with her three dogs, before going (in a change of costume) to a badminton court in her garden where numerous stage and screen stars are watching Richard Bird play against Dick Hearne. Among the stars watching are Leslie Henson, Helen Gilliland and Phyllis Monkman. Leslie runs across the court where the players are involved in a game of deck tennis. On another court we see Heather Thatcher (wearing monocle) partnering Henry Kendal in a game of deck tennis (?). M/Ss of the group of stars posing for the camera; Heather takes a photograph of the Pathe cameraman. M/S of Gertrude Lawrence chatting with Leslie Henson as they lean against a window ledge; commentator says “Isn’t she delightfully slim, ladies?“. We then see Le
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