SPORT: Rowing: University Boat Race 1951 preparations: Oxford train / new boat being built (1951)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Oxford crew training on River Thames at Henley for Oxford and Cambridge boat race. Meanwhile,? Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Boat Race Crew on The Thames ENGLAND: Oxfordshire: Henley: EXT Oxford University boat crew carrying rowing boat down to the River Thames Oxford crew get into boat Christopher Davidge (President of Oxford University Boat Club) at No.4 Various shots of crew training on Thames Closer shots of rowers training Hammersmith: INT Various shots of new Oxford boat under construction at boat yard Workers building new boat EXT More shots of Oxford crew training on Thames KEYWORDS: Students / rowing Background: Oxford crew training on River Thames at Henley for Oxford and Cambridge boat race. Meanwhile, at Hammersmith, Oxford’s new boat is being built. FILM ID: VLVA38AHVRT70I4KMAMTJXN3L2
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