Meet Miss England (1960)

Item title reads - Meet Miss England. London. Various shots of all the girls in the line up at the Lyceum for the Miss England beauty contest. M/S as the camera pans across them. M/S judging panel including Teddy Tinling, Peter West and Eric. D. Morley. C/U Neil McCullum and Jean Clarke. M/S as Barbara Smith from Walthamstow parades before the judges. M/S Josie Dwyer from Bury, who eventually finished second in the contest, parading on the dais. M/S Davina Taylor from London parading on the dais, camera pans down to her legs. M/S panel of judges, Peter West is in the foreground. M/S Joan Boardman from Wallasey parading on the dais. M/S audience looking on. M/S of the seven finalists lining up before the judges on the dais. C/U Neil McCullum and Jean Clarke. M/S of the winner Joan Boardman walking to her throne of honour, she sits down. C/U two girls in the audience. M/S Peter West crowning Miss Boardman. M/S of people seated round. L/S of Joan being congratulated by Josie, and Patricia Pitman fr
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