(DOLCH) - I AM OK - ( Hydroxytryptamin Baby II )
I AM OK is a song from ( D O L C H )´s second album NACHT and the second part of the “Hydroxyttryptamin Baby“ series. Part one was released on “ Demo III- Songs Of Happiness, Words Of Praise“ in 2017. In this little trilogy (Dolch) are trying to illustrate the feeling of an acute depression (within a relationship of minimum two persons) from three different perspectives: 1. The affected person or the disease are speaking for themselves / 2. The affected person / 3. The affected person or a person being adressed or in close relationship.
Part three is to be found here:
(DOLCH) will be playing this next shows:
Reutlingen, GER @Wild Orchid Fest
* Dortmund, GER @junkyard_dortmund
* Schweinfurt, GER @stattbahnhofschweinfurt
* Leipzig, GER @utconnewitz
* Hamburg, GER @knusthamburg
*supporting Secrets Of The Moon on their final shows
Graz, AUT @Transcending Visions Fest
Berlin, GER @ De Mortem et Diabolum Fest
Munich, GER @ Fall Of Man Festival