Surely this is a Miracle Joe Brown? (Latest Version)

God is still into the miraculous as featured on The Late Show with Howard Conder on Revelation Tv. As one new viewer messaged into the ‘live’ show on 30th March 2023 and said it was Amazing!!! Just like many other viewers who were equally inspired by what Howard showed and shared on this particular Late Show, you too can learn How God is still into the miraculous vis-à-vis through dreams, signs and wonders. All of which inspires others to believe in a loving and caring God. The first time this was shown on the Late Show, there were two viewers who contacted Revelation Tv saying that they will pass this important message on to the singer and performer Joe Brown whom Howard played drums for in the mis 1960s. This was because Howard had a dream where he sincerely believes God gave him which he never was able to pass it onto Joe Brown and yet through a miraculous meeting in the early 1990s with Joe Brown’s daughter, Sam Brown, at least one viewer who saw this video managed to
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