mufasa riley vid

have done it! I got mufasa herself to make me personal vids hehe. so a little backstory on this. i got in touch with her earlier and she says she is gonna make vids a gain soon and she did for a lil bit on snapchat but then stopped again lol but so i told her i had made a compilation of her farts on a private site...(she is totally cool about comps she isnt an asshole like other models would be surprisingly)....and so i literally had her on vk and showed her my vids of her and she was lik AWWWW UR AWESOME AND ODD BUT ADORABLE lol. so i asked if she can make me a couple vids and she said sure whenever she can get the chance lol. i told her to name drop me and u guys lol. enjoy cuz i got more farts coming from her :) at least another private compilation i should enjoy the shout out boys! ;) (listen to what she says) lol
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