The forces of wind and thunder unite in Canada! Super storm hits Ontario at night

Windsor, Essex County pounded by intense storm again. Thousands were left without power, basements flooded and numerous roads throughout Windsor and Essex County were left under water as yet another major storm event pounded nearly everyone across Windsor and Essex County late Thursday night. Thank you for watching my video. Please leave your comments/likes and don’t forget to subscribe to our channel for more videos: Unwetter in Berlin today CONTINUE! Italy hit by a giant hail! Storm, hail in Milan, Italy Super storm hits Milan again! Bad weather, Storm, hail in Milan, Italy Storm shocked the people in Italy! Tornadoes and hail hit Milan, Italy A storm like a tornado shocked Romania! The storm damaged buildings in Oradea, Romania We present weather and natural disaster news and our gleaned open source disaster highlights on: thunderstorm,volcano,flood,heavy rain,storm,floods,flash flood,flooding,flash flooding,gorilla hailhail storm,,nature,natural disaster,tsunami,weather,weather update today,hurricane,volcano eruption, natural disaster compilation,natural disaster documentary We use under: Copyright disclaimer section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976. “fair use“ is allowed for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching. scholarships and research. If there are copyright issues, please contact: flashfloods6976@ #storm #tornado #ontario #canada #canadanews #worldweather #floods #flashflooding #heavyrain #rain #storms windsor,windsor weather,ontario,ontario canada,ontario storm watch live,ontario storm,storm ontario,canada weather, weather network canada,canada weather today,weather in canada,rain,storm,rain storm,flooding,weather, manitoba,manitoba canada,manitoba storm,manitoba storm chasers,Manitoba hail,winnipeg hail storm,canada,canada news,canada storm,canada hail storm,canada weather,manitoba weather,hail,hailstorm,storm,rain,flooding,weather,
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