Official distribution - In the depths of darkness and underground caves, The Nekrokrator reigns in the sorcerous night. Beneath the Mountain, he rests, awaiting his return, to rule once more as the magical King of Power and Mysteries. His Dominion extends over the world, he gathers souls, capturing them like precious treasures. The living follow him, bowing before his altars, his unseen presence fills hearts with awe. He gathers strength, awaiting his triumphant Return. The magical King, ruler of the Realm of Shadows. Our message is a warning to the living, The Nekrokrator, Sovereign of Existence, walks his Path. High above it reigns, over the World of the Living - The Power of the Dead - mysterious and dreadful. It looms over us like Darkness, Silent and full of Secrets as the ancient forest. The Dead hold their sovereign authority In the depth of the earth, while they slumber deep. And their appalling might, Like an eternal Call of Blood, Is s
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