Kate & Anthony | Treacherous

[Watch in HD please] Seems there is a new obsession in this community, and sorry not sorry I’m one of those who can’t stop watching edits of them. Season 2 was in my opinion way more interesting than season one and their story and chemistry is superior. I know they made a lot of changes from the book (some I liked some I didn’t) but in the end they gave us one of the most beautiful slow burn, enemies to lovers couple, and all these episode of stolen glances, hand touching, almost kisses totally killed me. Simone and Jonathan did a wonderful job and they portrayed Kathony so well!! I had to make them a tribute with one of my fav Taylor’s song, I think it fits them just so perfectly. Also my dear friend @YoungDreamer and I read each other’s mind as we edited the same song. We both have good taste. Anyway please go check her amazing Kathony edit, because it’s beautiful💖💖💖 Here’s the link:
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