Best 10 female metal growlers

List of 10 best female growlers, IMO. Sorry for lame slideshow, I’m using some cheap (free) program. ***UPDATE*** - There has been A LOT changes since I’ve made this video: Grace Perry and Som Pluimjers have left their bands, Allisa White-Gluz is new Arch Enemy singer instead of Angela Gossow and Decadence has split up. Songs: Decadence - Theatre of the Absurd Sceptic - Internal Complexity Estuary - Creation Damnation The Agonist - And Their Eulogies Sang Me To Sleep Arkona - Yarilo Landmine Marathon - Three Snake Leaves Light This City - The Unwelcome Savior Holy Moses - Delusion Denial Cerebral Bore - The Bald Cadaver Arch Enemy - I Am Legend/Out for Blood
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