Dreaming of the USA: The Writings and Translations of Cesare Pavese
Co-organized with
Fondazione Cesare Pavese
In collaboration with
Ragusa Foundation
Dreaming of the USA
The Writings and Translations of Cesare Pavese
Closing event of the 2023 Pavese Festival
Round Table with:
Jhumpa Lahiri, Barnard College, author and translator
Brian Robert Moore, translator
Iuri Moscardi, CUNY Graduate Center
Followed by the Award Ceremony of the 2023 Premio Pavese to:
Rosemary Salomone, St. John’s University
With the participation of
Pierluigi Vaccaneo, Director, Fondazione Cesare Pavese
The focus of this round table is the academic research commissioned by the Fondazione Cesare Pavese to Iuri Moscardi into the materials donated to the foundation by the family of Oreste Molina, a former colleague of Pavese’s at the Einaudi publishing house. These materials include 21 books by American and British authors that Pavese read, studied, and translated during the 1930s. The texts include Pavese’s hand-written no