#themist #newmusic #overmydeadbody
Novo Single “Over My Dead Body“
Gravado por Andre Carvalho(Paradise in Flames)
no estúdio Maçonaria do Audio na cidade de Nova Lima - MG
Produzido por Alan Wallace & The Mist
Mixado e Masterizado por Alan Wallace no Eminence Studios - Belo Horizonte -MG
Video por Davidson Mainart
Capa: Natureza Morta
Over my dead body
I’ve been waiting for so long
And time fades away...
On a boat of losses and damage
Time goes on
Flesh, blood and bones
Our portraits are born old
No master, no God
Soulless Man
Landless ma
I’ve been waiting for so long
Now time stands still
Ghosts and chains from my memories
I’ve been hating for so long
The song of the chainsso loud... so loud
You can’t get me
It s over!Show more