The main weapon balance issue / Основная проблема оружейного баланса (EFT )

#tarkov #eft #escapefromtarkov #Тарков #побегизтаркова #баланс Discord link: Контакты переводчика/Interpreter’s e-mail: kutuzov9505@ 0:00 introduction 0:26 G36 Buff 0:44 MDR Paradox 2:21 AK-102 2:37 Stock guns are pretty useless 4:17 The weapon of mass destruction 5:10 Weapon mods are OP 6:33 Trying to fix this 9:25 Why these guns? 9:40 Non-meta mods 10:55 Recoil and ergonomics 11:52 Tier system 17:15 The result
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