ᛞ 3D Breakdown | NORR (C4D, XP, TFD, Arnold, AE & World Machine)
Full project:
Join the Process of Motion course:
Here’s a very quick and very little breakdown of the smartwatch Case Study project used in the Process of Motion course.
There were so many gigs of R&D, BTS and tests. A right mess it was. So enjoy this assorted mix of World Machine, Cinema 4D, X-Particles, Turbulence FD, Arnold Renderer, After Effects and co.
If you need more, there’s another 25 hours or so on the course. Not to mention all the tutorials I’ll be making in the coming months...
00:00 - Yo
00:04 - Creating a Volcano in World Machine and Cinema 4D
00:06 - And icelanding landscapes
00:12 - Simulating phatt clouds: Cinema 4D & Turbulence FD
00:20 - Simulating volcanic eruption: Cinema 4D & Turbulence FD
00:24 - Shitton of lava bombs in X-Particles
00:26 - Oh, and pyroclastic flow in Turbulence FD
00:32 - Photogrammetry 3D scanning volcanic pumice stone
00:35 - Treating the rock very poorly indeed
00:44 - C
4 years ago 00:07:01 1
ᛞ 3D Breakdown | Creating the Lightning Creature (C4D, Arnold, TFD & After Effects)
5 years ago 00:05:13 1
ᛞ C4D & Arnold TUTORIAL | Make your own Black Hole - Part 1 (Gravitational Lensing & Event Horizon)
5 years ago 00:07:27 31
ᛞ C4D TUTORIAL | Dynamic Camera Rig
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ᛞ C4D & Arnold Tutorial – Grain-Free Renders in 4 Steps