李馨曌 新疆 塔什库尔干塔吉克族 “Through The Unknown Tashkurgan“ Li Xinzhao,XINJIANG,TAJIK,Pamir Mountains

This documentary about Li Xinzhao’s experience was premiered on Henan Satellite TV Station on December 3rd, 2019. “Through The Unknown Tashkurgan“ unveils an unworldly world I discovered on the Pamir Plateau. At China’s western frontier, in the eastern part of the Pamirs and on the “Roof of The World“ is the Tashkurgan Tajik Autonomous County in Xinjiang Province. Tashkurgan has a long history as a stop on the Silk Road. Tajiks reside in relative isolation in the snow capped Pamir mountain range of western China near the borders of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Tajikistan. They live in harmony and intimacy born out of mutual trust and love. In Tashkurgan, due to the cold weather, lack of nutrients and altitude sickness, I was ill half the time and was then unable to undertake the photographic mission.I have witnessed childbirth, tribal marriages, unforeseen sickness, snow storm, avalanche, gazing into the stars whilst bathing in mysterious hot-springs, discovered Saussur
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