Michigan Report from Hell | Full Game Walkthrough | No Commentary

It’s time for another horror game and today we archive one that is also arguably one of the strangest games ever made. It released back on the Playstation 2 in Japan and Europe, but never had an American release. The game has a very original concept in that you play as a cameraman for a television broadcast and you and the team of reporter and sound operator will do reporting in Michigan amidst an invasion of terrible monsters. Rather than an action game it plays like an adventure game where you have to find certain key items in the enviroment in order to solve puzzles and progress the story. Rather than picking up the items yourself, you point them out to the reporter and she will pick it up to be used later. The same goes for combat as you point out the enemies and the reporter shoots. The sound guy is mostly there to tell terrible jokes. And speaking of voice acting is this game might be one of the worst voice acting performances I have ever heard. But it is also hilariously b
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