Clone Complex Fields Easily: Cinema 4D Tutorial (Live Stream Highlight)

Patreon Discounts for all Rocket Lasso Tools! Another short tutorial packed with info. A question from the most recent episode of Rocket Lasso Live led to this useful little exploration. Normally Fields can not be cloned, but with this simple workaround, very complex Fields can be created using Splines! Tutorial scene files here: Time Stamps 00:00:00 - You can NOT clone Fields. But... 00:01:31 - Clone points instead. 00:02:35 - Now push it further with Splines (Bonus: Automatically animate a Curve with no Keyframes) 00:04:11 - Spline Masks. When in doubt create a Connect Object. 00:04:55 - Linear Fields effect. Can add randomness easily. 00:07:30 - Support Rocket Lasso! Tools: SLICER for C4D: MESH TO SPLINE for C4D: RICOCHET for C4D:
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