NATO shoot down idea of troop assistance to Ukraine

’우크라 파병 검토설’에 유럽 들썩 러, 즉각 경고 Following remarks from world leaders over possible troop support for Ukraine, NATO quickly shot down the idea. Russia also sent a stark warning, that if NATO member countries do send troops, conflict between the military alliance and Russia is inevitable. Lee Seung-jae has more. The issue of sending troops was raised at a meeting in Paris on Monday where European countries discussed ways to support Ukraine in its fight against Russia. There, Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico raised the idea of troop support for Ukraine. “Several NATO and European Union member states are considering sending troops to Ukraine at a bilateral level.“ French President Emmanuel Macron followed up, saying that there is no agreement on sending troops to Ukraine,.. but nothing should be ruled out, further stating that everything must be done “so that Russia does not win.“ Looking to avoid further complicating the situation, EU and NATO member countries quickly expressed that they have no intention of having their countries send troops to support Ukraine. They include the leaders of Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary who during a meeting in Prague strongly shot down the idea. EU and NATO member nations including Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy and Spain, also rejected deploying soldiers. The Pentagon on Tuesday also expressed an unwillingness to send military forces despite being one of the biggest supporters of Ukraine during the two-year-long war. “We have no plans to send U.S. servicemen to fight in Ukraine. The president has been pretty clear on that, and that continues to be our position.“ Meanwhile, French Foreign Minister Stephane Sejourne on Tuesday clarified Macron’s comments that Paris could send troops to Ukraine, saying the troops could be used in specific ways, such as mine clearance, while not directly fighting against Russia. Meanwhile the Kremlin sent a stark warning to NATO, saying that any troop support for Ukraine, would inevitably result in direct conflict with Russia. Lee Seung-jae, Arirang News. #Ukraine_crisis #Ukraine_war #NATO #Europe #Russia #Volodymyr_Zelensky #European_Union #우크라이나파병 #나토 #Arirang_News #아리랑뉴스 📣 Facebook : 📣 Twitter : 📣 Homepage : 2024-02-28, 09:00 (KST)
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