Final Fantasy VIII Ambient - Balamb City by night, for sleep, work and study. 2 hours peace music.

[NEW] One of the music is now available on our Spotify and music streaming services. My patreon, if you want to help me do more videos. Relax and just listen to those wonderful music and sounds coming from Balamb City in Final Fantasy VIII. A good way to rest or work at peace. Ambient is part of Les Mondes Impossibles. Feel free to support us by on our Tipee, since we can’t grow up with Youtube’s restrictions & copyrights for this kind of concept, if you want more videos like this and help this channel, become a Mundo tiper! Tipee: Patreon: Love you all. -- Relaxez-vous aux sons et musiques d’ambiances de la ville portuaire de Balamb de Final Fantasy VIII. Un bon moyen de se reposer ou de travailler en paix. Ambient est un projet des Mondes Impossi
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