WE ARE RIGHTEOUS - Words By: Gary Sigler

Gary Sigler Books Here - On Amazon - WE ARE RIGHTEOUS Righteousness is one of the most astounding revelations given to man. Until God’s people understand the basic revelation of God’s righteousness, and I do not mean just understand it mentally with the mind, but a revelation deep on the inside of their being, they will always, at most, be a babe in Christ. You may want to be righteousness and holy but you will never be able to experientially walk in righteousness until you have this revelation. To walk in righteousness is not just a good teaching. It means that God’s nature is formed in you and you are living by His life and not the life of the ego or carnal thinking. You must understand that righteousness is not earned, but is imputed to you. Man will never be any more righteous if he lives to be a hundred and ninety-nine thousand years old than he is the moment that his spirit is quickened in regeneration. Righteousness is based upon the new creation man in Chris
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