Relaxing Diarrhea Sounds, Ten Hour Edition!

First, some not-so-good news: my phone is currently broke as hell, so I may not be able to record any audio, or upload any videos until I can find a workaround. You asked for it, so here it is! Ten straight hours of non-stop diarrhea and explosive, wet toilet farts to help you relax and get to sleep. Pop this video on before you go to sleep and you’ll be dreaming of chocolate waterfalls, and toilet emergencies all night. You might even crap yourself while you sleep! This video contains the original “Relaxing Diarrhea Sounds“ video, as well as many added audio clips from past videos, and some new sounds that I didn’t think were good enough to make it into a video, but because they’re soft, quiet, relaxing poop splats, I figured they’d work perfect in this video. I worked pretty damn hard and spent most of my evening last night working on this, so hopefully y’all enjoy this, and you’d better watch the whole thing! I dare anyone to actually listen to the full 10 hours. Maybe there’s a secret message hidden i
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