MIDNIGHT GALA at Covent Garden - Joan Sutherland, Louis Quilico, Clifford Grant, Heather Begg 1975

Here is the Midnight Gala in aid for Darwin appeal fund which featured Joan Sutherland, Heather Begg, Graham Clark, Tom McDonnell, Margreta Elkins, Clifford Grant and Louis Quilico. The concert was televised in part only and here we have the entrance aria of Maria from Donizetti’s MARIA STUARDA performed by Joan Sutherland (Heather Begg sings the role of Anna), The Gendarmes Duet from Offenbach’s GENEVIEVE DE BRABANT performed by Clifford Grant and Tom McDonnell, the aria from Verdi’s RIGOLETTO with the wonderful Louis Quilico, the trio from the final scene of Verdi’s I LOMBARDI ALLA PRIMA CROCIATO and the Act II duet between Norma and Adalgisa performed by Joan Sutherland and Heather Begg. The Royal Philhamonic Orchestra is conducted by Richard Bonynge in this televised performance from January 25th 1975.
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