
Финалист конкурса Best Illusion of the Year Contest 2016 Автор: Sylvia Wenmackers, University of Leuven, Belgium При “ночном” освещении кажется, что левая ветряная мельница вращается в неправильном направлении. Если же посмотреть на мельницы при “дневном” освещении, то становится понятно, что мы смотрим на неё сзади. После понимания работы иллюзии можно научиться переключать свой видение “ночной” мельницы. As far as I know, this is a new illusion involving windmills, so I’ve called it “Millusion”. I experienced it myself while driving in the evening. One turbine seemed to be turning “the wrong way” as compared to the others. By the time I got home, I had figured it out: I had only seen the outlines of the windmills, silhouetted against illuminated clouds behind it. Probably I was looking at the front of most turbines and at the backside of the “wrong” one (or vice versa). Later, I asked scientific illustrator Pieter Torrez to help me animate it, to check this conjecture with a 3D model. It worke
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