Hello everybody, this is Dr. Beter. Today is June 26, 1976, and this is my monthly AUDIO LETTER No. 13.

The top layer in the vast pyramid of power under Rockefeller control are the innermost circle of Foundation Trustees. My associates and I know who they are. There are about a hundred of them--the Trustees of a mere dozen Foundations — controlling the financial and industrial base of America not only through the Foundations themselves but through their interlocking directorates of banks, multinational corporations, insurance companies, educational institutions, and legal firms all for the benefit of their Rockefeller bosses, NOT for yours! These inner circle Trustees--and they know who they are--have breached a fiduciary trusteeship because the Foundations are public supported, being almost totally exempt from United States taxation. I charge these Trustees with subversion of schools, churches, government, and the very liberty intended by our Founding Fathers. Their day is coming, they will be unmasked, and they will do well to be found hard at work to undo the evil they have set in motion; otherwise their power, like that of their masters the Four Rockefeller Brothers, can and I believe will be taken away and given to more faithful custodians by an increasingly informed, aroused America. Today I want to point out how CONSPIRACY (they call it commitment) is always involved in such deliberate destruction in order to expand their power. My three topics today are: Topic #1--CONSPIRACY FOR ECONOMIC DESTRUCTION Topic #2--CONSPIRACY FOR POLITICAL DESTRUCTION Topic #3--CONSPIRACY TO ACHIEVE DESTRUCTION OF HUMAN LIVES.
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