Alien Soldier - Unused Jampan Area

An entirely unused area with 3 bosses. You can replace stages 1-3 with these by changing ROM offsets 0x00036C to 4E71 4E71, 0x011736 to 03F6 03F6 03F6, and 0x01226C to 023E 0246 0284. These stages were meant to take place after the snowy mountains area, as indicated by the location of the data in the game ROM. The third boss doesn’t work, but the graphics loaded in reveal its appearance: a praying mantis. Human versions of Lambda Bunny and the mantis are loaded in as a part of the background’s graphics set, which can be viewed here: Something I missed is that there’s a 4th stage that loads in another unused boss. The code to the boss is exactly the same as the mantis (it does nothing) but its graphics are loaded into VRAM, revealing it to be a mechanical fox, likely the scrapped “Sigma Fox“ character seen in concept art.
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