Raising of a German Warship from the Scapa Flow (1935)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit “Koenig Albert“ raised at Scapa Flow after being sunk there in 1919 Full Description: Scotland: Scapa Flow: EXT NAVAL - GERMANY. “Koenig Albert“ raiesed at Scapa Flow after being Scuttled there is 1919 “KOENIG ALBERT“ German Battleship raised at Scapa Flow after being scuttled there in 1919. SCAPA FLOW Raising the German Battleship “Koenig Albert“ after being scuttled in 1919 by Germans SHIPPING Raising the “Koening Albert“ german Warship Scuttled in Scapa Flow 1919 Navy - Active; Germany; Scotland; Ships and Boats boats, Military, Navy, Royal Navy, exhumed, ship Background: “Koenig Albert“ raised at Scapa Flow after being sunk there in 1919 FILM ID: VLVA1CLTUS5XA028YVD1Y7SKOR702 To license this film, visit A
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