TO KILL A KING “Roundheads storm Parliament & Holles escapes“
Richard G Mitchell composed the score for TO KILL A KING which tells of events at the end of the English Civil War with Tim Roth as Oliver Cromwell, Dougray Scott as General Thomas Fairfax and a cast including Olivia Williams, Benedict Cumberbatch & Rupert Everett. Lord Fairfax (Scott) and Oliver Cromwell (Roth) return home victoriously with their troops at the end of the English Civil War of the 1640’s. Having beaten back the Royalists and captured King Charles (Everett), they decide to send the troops into Parliament but “Lord“ Fairfax finds his loyalty divided and in order to ensure a safe haven for his family, sends a message to Holles that he should seek exile France. The score features passages sung by Wells Cathedral Choir.