All 8 Player Local Multiplayer Games for Nintendo Switch
Video list of (almost) all of the 8-player Nintendo Switch games in existence that can be played on a single console, with 8 joy-cons or other control setups. Timestamps for all 20 games are below- comment with any others out there. Enjoy!
00:00 Intro
00:50 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
01:20 Runbow
01:49 Sausage Sports Club
02:20 Knight Squad 2
02:50 BAFL (Brakes are for Losers)
03:20 Alpaca Ball: Allstars
03:54 12 Orbits
04:25 Baron Fur Is Gonna Fly
04:57 Jackbox Party Packs
05:41 Clusterpuck 99
06:10 Killer Queen Black (2021 Update)
06:42 Pico Park
07:10 Shipped
07:40 Party Golf
08:10 Super Bomberman R
08:40 Drink More Glurp
09:10 Luigi’s Mansion 3 Screampark Mini Games
09:43 Towerfall (6 Players)
10:14 Boomerang Fu (6 Players)
10:50 Worms WMD (6 Players)
11:16 Outro
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