The Moon. ЛУНА (Luna, 1965)(restored color) by Pavel Klushantsev

The restored color. English subtitles only 24: end () (mashine translation) Pavel Klushantsev’s movie. Soviet Union: Leningrad Popular Science Film Studio, 1965 Director: Pavel Klushantsev The film consists of two parts: popular scientific and science-fiction. In the first part in the popular form the modern (1965) scientific convergence on the Moon are stated. In the second part the director and the artist create a picture of the future of the Moon. Subtitles will be some day (russian subtitles for fragment ). See also Pavel Klushantsev’s movie “Road to the stars“ (Doroga k zvezdam) (1956-1957) (the science-fiction part) At 24:55 (color footage) - “Leonov spacewalk“ - the first spacewalk March 18, 1965 by Alexey Leonov (Voskhod 2).
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