【ENG-PINYIN-CN】周深/Zhou Shen 20191103 ⛳合肥《胡同少年志》《大鱼》流行金榜地推现场全过

《胡同少年志》 Aspiration of a Hutong Boy - Traditional Lyrics by: ediq 拐角的胡同今晚偷偷堆了一點雪 A little snow piled up secretly around the corner of Hutong tonight 白晝的喧囂更成卯時二刻的明月 The hustle and bustle of the day turns into tranquil moonlight at 5:30 am 角樓有燈火徹夜照亮著老街 The lamps on the corner watchtower lighten up the old streets all night long 匆忙是因為我感傷就要道別 I am in a rush to forget about the sadness that I’m going to leave 我眼中百歲的城墻還沐浴著晚霞 The hundred-year-old ancient city walls glow in the
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