Super Mario 64 : Backward Long-Jump

Mostly for a few tips at the end of the description. - Align the camera, Mario and the door. - Try to BLJ. ^^ -Same for the next one. =$ ~ To start the BLJ you need to press A when Mario hits the stairs (approximately, you will get used to it by practicing a lot). ~ I am not mashing A, I am taping it at a certain rhythm. ~ I assume you need less speed to clip through the door than to clip through the wall (1st BLJ), so it’s better to have a direction that goes straight to the door. ~ Being aligned with the stairs and the camera makes it easier. (It may be just me) ~ Sometimes you’ll get a BLJ going but won’t clip through, in this case keep long-jumping while holding the stick in the direction of the door, you will eventually clip through (though sometimes you lose all your speed when you get at the top for some reasons). ~ Seems easier to start it on the first step of the stairs. ~ Be careful while performing the 2nd BLJ, if your angle is directed to the bowser portraits on the wall (so left in the video), you may end up in Wet Dry World (I think taping with a certain rhythm prevents it too (if you don’t have a rhythm that is actually nearly mashing. :p)). ~ It can help to stop and redo a longjump to start over. ~ If the camera gets stuck after the 1st BLJ, you can double tap R (switching to Mario cam and exiting it) to get it to follow you correctly again. ~ You still need a very precise timing to start it, and you’ll need to practice it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twitch Channel :
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