The Elder Scrolls Skyblivion | Official Trailer Theme Music

Oblivion Remade in the Skyrim engine. The theme music from the Official Release Year Trailer for The Elder Scrolls Skyblivion, made by our very own Markus Zierhofer. Music download: Website: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you feel you can help contribute to this project we would love to have you on the team, please visit our website to apply: If you are a fan of the project and you want to help any other way please share our video where you can, you might just reach someone that will help us finish this monster of a project sooner. Content creators and journalists can visit this link for screenshots, logo’s and general information about the project: Thank you for all the love and support ~Your Skyblivion Team Website: Twitter: Instagram: DISCORD: Reddit: Facebook: VOLUNTEER: For behind the scenes development streams check out our Twitch team: Video production by @HeavyBurns and @SgtGimlinho Voice Narrating by Daniel Hodge Music by Markus Zierhofer & Jeremy Froböse (AudioCreatures)
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