Automate Stocks and Crypto Research with Python and Deep Learning | Full Python Project

Tired of trying to monitor the stock or crypto markets? Not sure where to turn to get your new trading ideas? Yahoo Finance news coming out of your ears? Want a new Python project to try? I hear you. There’s so much news and research out there on financial markets that it can be hard to keep up. But what if you could automate some of that research using Python. That’s exactly what you’ll learn how to do in this video. You’ll learn how to use Python to scrape finance news from the web, natural language processing via Hugging Face to automatically summarise that news and finally calculate sentiment related to each asset. The awesome thing is that you can do this for almost any financial asset as well. In the video we’ll run through the pipeline using Tesla, Bitcoin and Gamestop but you could plug in virtually any stock or crypto code and have this research done for you. In fact, at the end we’ll update the pipeline in two lines and run the same analysis for Ethereum as well. In this video, you’ll lear
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