Whiter - France (1934)

The full title reads “WHITHER... FRANCE? French blood spilt by Frenchmen in day & night demonstrations in heart of Paris.“ Paris, France. Close up shot of M. Chiappe, popular Chief of Police who was dismissed after Stavisky affair. Dismissal initiated organising demonstrations in Paris. Prior to demonstrations, men are seen removing iron grills and any object likely to be used against the police in the riots. Policemen lined up ready for the demonstrations. Mounted police is seen on street. Night shots, fire and crowds, not to clearly seen. Voiceover informs that this is when the fight has started. Close up shot of a new Chief of Police. More shots of the people on streets and the fire. Morning - army troops walking along Paris streets. Various shots of the army, police, fire fighters, gathered at Paris streets. Ex-President and Premier M. Gaston Doumergue (Papa Gastonnet) was called to return to Paris and form a new government. Various shots of M. Doumergue’s car surrounded by masses of peop
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