Playstation E3 2005 Press Conference Highlights

The best (and worst) moments of Sony’s E3 2005 Presse Conference. 00:00 Playstation history 01:13 PS3 annoncement 02:00 Cell processor 03:07 Retrocompatibility 03:44 Nvidia next gen tech demo 05:14 Epic Games Unreal tech demo 06:52 Two screens 07:14 Rubber duck tech demo 07:50 PS Move tech demonstration 08:37 The Getaway 3 tech demo 09:39 Gran Turismo/ Spider-Man demo? 10:57 Final Fantasy VII PS3 tech demo 12:31 Hideo Kojima interview 13:12 Sam Houser (Rockstar Games) interview 14:22 Devil May Cry 4 tease
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