Every single Japanese grammar point from the JLPT N5 level explained in one definitive video textbook that looks at over 100 different examples of grammar usage, covering over 60 different video games from throughout video game history. Master the Japanese Language Proficiency Test N5 Level with the help of video games!!
N5 Grammar Anki Deck -
Ankiweb Version:
A huge thanks to all Patreon Supporters:
◆ Executive Producer ◆
Nexseptia, Frodeul, Joseph Simcox, Scissors! 61!
◆ Elite ◆
Anna Baumeister, Jason Dahl, Blake Henderson, Erik Campuzano, Elro1822
00:00 - Introduction
00:56 - ちゃいけない・must not do (spoken Japanese)
02:20 - じゃいけない must not do (spoken Japanese)
03:25 - じゃだめ - must not do (spoken Japanese)
04:16 - です - to be (am, is, are, were, used to)
05:36 - だ- to be (am, is, are, were, used to)
06:46 - だから - because
07:42 - だけ - only; just; as much as~
08:42 - でしょう - I think; it seems; probably; right?
09:46 - だろう - I think; it seems; probably; right?
10:36 - で (de) - 1: at, in
11:33 - で (de) - 2: with, by
12:06 - でも - but; however; though~
13:02 - どんな - what kind of; what sort of
13:37 - どうして - why; for what reason; how
14:14 - どうやって - how; in what way; by what means
14:53 - が (ga) - 1: subject marker
16:20 - が - but, however
17:18 - があります - there is; is (non-living things)
18:23 - がいます - there is; to be; is (living things)
18:58 - がほしい - to want something
19:43 - ほうがいい - had better; it’d be better to; should~
20:53 - い-adjectives - i-adjectives
22:47 - 一番(いちばん)- the most; the best
23:56 - 一緒に(いっしょに)- together
24:49 - いつも - always; usually; habitually
25:43 - ではない - to not be (am not; is not; are not)
27:10 - じゃない - to not be (am not; is not; are not)
28:04 - か - question particle
28:45 - か~か - or
29:54 - から - from
31:09 - 方(かた)- the way of doing something; how to do
32:40 - けど - but; however; although~
33:42 - けれども - but; however; although~
34:40 - Noun くらい/ぐらい- about, approximately
35:29 - Noun くらい/ぐらい - at least, at the very least
35:56 - まだ - still; not yet
37:01 - まだ~ていません - have not yet~
37:55 - まで - until; as far as; to (an extent); even~
39:10 - 前に(まえに)- before; in front of~
40:02 - ませんか - would you; do you want to; shall we~
41:03 - ましょう - let’s ~; shall we ~
41:37 - ましょうか - shall I ~; used to offer help to the listener
42:17 - も - too; also; as well
43:39 - もう - again; another
44:54 - もう - anymore; (no) longer
45:20 - な-adjectives - na-adjectives
48:10 - な - don’t do
49:05 - なあ - sentence ending particle; confirmation; admiration, etc
50:44 - ないで - without doing~ ; To do [B] without doing [A]
51:49 - ないで - don’t do
52:38 - ないでください - please don’t do
53:53 - ないといけない - must do; have an obligation to do
55:22 - なくてはいけない - must do; need to do
56:52 - なくてはならない - must do; need to do
57:53 - なくちゃ - must do; need to; gotta do
58:43 - なくてもいい - don’t have to
59:59 - なる - to become
01:02:12 - のです - to explain something; show emphasis
01:04:35 - んです - to explain something; show emphasis
01:05:26 - ね - isn’t it? right? eh?
01:06:40 - に - destination particle; in; at; on; to
01:08:43 - に - at (time/place)
01:09:11 - に - to (indicates direction / destination)
01:09:35 - に/へ - to (indicates direction / destination)
01:10:46 - にいく - go to do (verb)
01:11:29 - にいく - go to do (noun)
01:13:33 - にする - to decide on
01:14:57 - の - possessive particle
01:15:52 - の - verb nomalizer
01:17:28 - のが下手(のがへた)- to be bad at doing something
01:18:29 - のが上手(のがじょうず)- to be good at
01:19:39 - のが好き(のがすき)- to like doing something
01:20:43 - ので - because of; given that; since
01:22:28 - お - polite marker; honorific prefix particle
01:25:01 - ご - polite marker; honorific prefix particle
01:28:52 - を - object marker particle
01:30:04 - をください - please give me~
01:31:09 - しかし - but; however~
01:32:51 - それから - and; and then; after that; since then
01:34:09 - そして - and; and then; thus; and now~
01:35:37 - すぎる - too much
01:37:47 - たことがある - to have done something before
01:39:06 - たことがない - to have never done something before
01:40:11 - たい - want to do something
01:41:18 - たり~たり - do such things as A and B
01:42:57 - たり - do such things as A
01:43:45 - てある - is/has been done (resulting state)
01:45:19 - ている - ongoing action or current state
01:46:29 - てから - after doing~
01:47:44 - てください - please do
01:48:54 - てはいけない - must not; may not; cannot
01:50:01 - てもいい ・ていい - is okay, is alright to, can, may
01:51:57 - と - and;
01:53:11 - と - with
01:53:52 - と - as
01:54:32 - とき - when; at this time
01:56:12 - とても - very; awfully; exceedingly
01:57:29 - つもり - plan to ~; intend to ~
01:58:59 - は - topic marker
02:00:54 - は〜より・・・です - [A] is more ~ than [B]
02:02:00 - はどうですか - how about; how is
02:02:50 - や - and; or; connecting particle
02:04:46 - よ - you know; emphasis (ending particle)
02:05:44 - より~ほうが - [A] is more than [B]
02:07:35 - Outro
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