speedcut is now avaibale in Maya Bonus Tools 2022.
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Autodesk Maya Bonus Tools 2018-2022
Q&A: speedCut not found in Maya bonus tool menu.
If you haven’t install Maya 2022 yet, you can still technically use SpeedCut on an older version by going to the BonusTools install location and opening the file and running it directly in the Script Editor.
Q&A: UI disappear after minize
try run this in script editor
(“jwSpeedCutWin“,e = 1, tlc =(0, 1000) )
Q&A: UI too big
Go C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\MayaBonusTools-2018-2022\Contents\python-2022, opening the
## find this line
jwSpeedCutWin = (“jwSpeedCutWin“,title = “speedCut “,w = 300,h = 600, mxb = False, s = 1 ,bgc = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2 ])
## add line below
4 years ago 00:18:36 5
speedCut instruction demo
1 year ago 00:11:08 1
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