These Push-Ups Increase Your Strength

Push-ups are a form of calisthenics, a strength-training method that uses your body weight for resistance. The Push Up is a full body exercise that works lots of major muscle groups including: Pectorals, Triceps, Deltoids, Serratus Anterior, Abdominals, Glutes, Latisimus Dorsi, Secondary Muscles 0:00 Push-Up to Side Plank 0:46 Spider Crawl Push-up 1:32 Explosive Push-Up 2:17 Explosive Clap Push-Up 3:03 Superman Push-up 3:49 Resistance Band Push-up #Push-up #Pushups #Pushup How many pushups should I do a day, How many pushups a day will build muscle, What are 3 benefits of push-ups, Do push-ups build muscle. benefits of push-ups everyday, how many push-ups a day, wide push-ups muscles worked, diamond push-ups muscles worked, push-ups benefits, narrow push-ups muscles worked, side-to side push-ups muscles worked.
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