Daniel Cloud Campos is THE RAIN DODGER

Why are people so scared of the rain? The moment it starts to rain they freak out and run as fast as they can to the nearest shelter. What is it that makes us so paranoid? I mean, it’s only water. Maybe it’s cause of the uncomfortableness of having to spend the rest of the day in wet saggy clothes or maybe cause it messes up our hair, makes the girls mascara smear down their face. What ever it is it’s naturally annoying to be caught in the middle of it. So during a week of non stop rain, stuck at home, bored out of our minds, we decided to make a stupid short film about a man who’s afraid of a little rain :) Keep in mind this is not to be taken seriously as a film. It’s made purely for your entertainment, hahah!! I hope you enjoy! :) Music - “Chariots of Fire“ - Vangelis “Singin’ In The Rain“ - Gene Kelly
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