Through the Eye of the Needle

Matthew 19 24, Mark 10 24, Luke 18 24 Listen to the Faith Promoting Rumors audio podcast at Video credit: “Christ and the Rich Young Ruler“, TRANSCRIPT: If you’ve read from the New Testament, you may have come across a teaching that is somewhat puzzling. Three of the four Gospels relate what the Lord said after a certain encounter with a wealthy ruler. “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.” What a striking image, and one with powerful implications. Is Christ is saying that heaven is populated only with those who in life were poor and destitute? Well, get enough people together in a Sunday School and somebody is bound to give this alternate explanation. Ancient Jerusalem was surrounded by a huge, stone wall with heavy gates. During the day, the gates were left open for merchants and travelers to come and go as they pleas
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