Identification Tips: Reed Canary Grass (Phalaris arundinacea)

Reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea) prefers moist soils such as ditches, stream banks and wetlands, but can also grow in upland areas. It can out-compete many native species and can present challenges to wetland management and restoration. Join University of Minnesota Extension Educator, Megan Weber to learn more about how to identify this species. An updated note on reed canary grass: There has recently been in-depth research on which populations of reed canary grass in Minnesota are native and which are non-native. Findings from the University of Minnesota indicate that reed canary grass populations along the rivers they sampled in Minnesota are likely predominantly native. Regardless of origins, reed canary grass can form dense, dominant cover and require control when there are management goals related to maintaining or restoring other plant species. For example, wetland restoration is very challenging in dense reed canary grass stands. You can learn more about this research here: https://mit
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