Akko CS Crystal Wine Red | Akkos’s Longest Spring at 23mm
Let’s review, compare and listen to Akko’s latest line of switches! In this video, we will be looking at the following line :
(Disclaimer : All switches were sent by Akko for an honest review, this is not a paid advertisement 😁)
Akko V3 Cream Yellow
Akko V3 Cream Blue
Akko POM Switches (3 Switches)
Akko CS Crystal Wine Red
Akko CS Crystal Silver
Akko CS Crystal
Akko CS Crystal Blue
Akko CS Snow Blue Grey
Akko CS Air
Huge shout-out to Akko for making this review possible.
If you wish to get any of these switches, please consider using my affiliate links as it will help out my channel a lot!
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✨ Akko Switches :
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