To Unify by Perception

When NASA did this sort of thing, it was an unintentional spinoff, albeit arguably the one that had the greatest impact on mankind, of a 100bn dollar project. NASA still provides this material without copyright. I think a global first is within our reach. Last year I did a 8 hr time-lapse of Jupiter as a proof of concept. The wider goal was to unify the time-lapse streams from several such scopes (a global project) to create essentially a continuous time-lapse of Jupiter, along with various sites on Earth to really put people in touch with their spinning home and solar system. This would be the first time anything like this has ever been attempted. Personally I think it would be ’FRICKIN AWESOME’ if this can be pulled off! The planets align later this year, and I had intended to start garnering support for this some time after Easter 2011 (post DMD2). This is not a trivial project. I’m also not rich enough to fund this one
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