The Smallest Racing Car! An Action Picture At Brooklands (1933)

“Only 2 3/4 H.P. but, ’Jappic’ is unique in many ways...“ Man in a motor racing helmet steps over a small racing car. Closer view of the car as the man opens its bonnet. Dissolve to C/U of the car’s engine. “The steering wheel has to be cut away to give the driver room!“ C/U of the steering wheel with the bottom cut off. L/S of man moving the car by lifting up the front of the car and placing it down in a different position. L/S of the car racing around Brooklands. “You’ve seen those panoramic-telephoto-pictures of high speed racing and action. This is how they’re made...“ C/U of cameraman with his back to the camera filming him. He turns with the camera as if filming a car in motion. Note: no issue number or stock marks. Was probably a Pathe Pictorial item rather than an Eve’s Film Review item. Images are rather light - overexposed. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT’S FULL OF GREAT DOCUMENTARIES, FASCINATING INTERVIEWS
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